First Aid on Wheels at East Coast Park is a regular weekly initiative by Singapore Red Cross.
volunteers set up a First Aid post at section C of East Coast Park every weekend to provide first aid to bikers, rollerbladers, anyone who happens to need it.
the team consists of 2 roving teams, each on a route in either direction, and a stay-in team at the post.
we each took turns to be part of the roving teams, and stayed in the post as well.
majority of the casualty counts that day were abrasions and minor scratches, with no one needing to be evacuated.
i'm looking forward to participating in this effort again, as i think it is a worthwhile effort, and the members of the public seem to appreciate it as well. while roving, a few bikers peddled alongside us to ask about our duties, and to thank us.
i also received my Singapore Red Cross Passport today. we're supposed to record the days we volunteered for Red Cross duty, as a personal log, and get the team leader in charge for that day to cross-check and sign.
Mabel. 5/5/12.