Friday, 29 July 2011

MMA session 4

at today's session, i had my first ground fighting experience. it's called "Rolling", where you try to to pic your opponent down and score points using locks, chokeholds, and manipulations.

S and i were the only 2 girls who attended that session, as most seniors were dead tired after course submissions that day.

for 3 whole minutes, S and i were evenly matched.

she used her weight and bulk against me so i could not pin her down, but i used my speed and flexibility to keep myself above her.

in the end, both of us did not score any points.

during this training, i made up my mind to learn and master all the MMA techniques taught to me, and be able to execute them smoothly and effectively.


International Sports Challenge

dates i volunteered: 22/7/11, 29/7/11. both fridays.

this was an event organised by Singapore Polytechnic's International Student Club.

the purpose of the event is to encourage friendship and sportsmanship through a series of sports games.

each team goes through a challenge of basketball and soccer, among 2 more other games.

as a first-aid volunteer, my duty is just to ensure that whoever gets injured during the events receive proper first-aid, and subsequent medical attention if necessary.

the first day went by smoothly. the only injury was a bleeding pimple.

the second day went by without any accidents, even though the players were rougher than before. the only thing i attended to was foot cramps.


Friday, 22 July 2011

MMA session 3

today's MMA session was a rather exciting one.

as usual, we learnt more holds, and how to break our falls using our arms.

the holds were a little too awkward for the other 2 girls and i to do, so we skipped out on those, and practiced the breaks more.

after trying many times, we only got it after someone threw us down.

a rather scary yet effective way to learn.

at this MMA session, i had to apply standard first-aid onto a fellow trainee.

as boys will always be boys, they were fooling around the impact-absorbing mat, and decided to do double chokeslams onto each other.

the person who wanted to be chokeslammed was a scrawny year 1, with weak arteries.

halfway during the chokeslam, the pressure in his brain was too high and he blacked out. about 30cm before he hit the mat, his nasal artery burst and started spewing blood.

i immediately went to retrieve my first-aid kit and stemmed the bleeding.

he was fine and conscious, and the bleeding stopped after about 2 minutes 35 seconds.

i cleaned the cut with an alcohol pad and sealed it with a plaster.

less than 15 minutes after that, he was up and wanting to train again.

i have not seen such enthusiasm for training before, and it made me want to master the holds and chokes we learnt in the previous sessions.

during this incident, the vice-president of our club came up to me and appointed me as the club first-aider. so i no longer have to pay fees, and i get an errand boy to buy whatever i need in the first-aid box for the club.

xD~! MMA is fun!


Sunday, 17 July 2011

Edgefield Dance Day

location: Edgefield Primary school

time: 3 - 7pm

purpose: they were trying to break the Guiness World and Singapore records for the most number of people doing the chacha at the same time.

i was there as a fellow Red Cross volunteer, along with 2 other first-aiders from my school, and a dozen other volunteers from elsewhere.

they broke Singapore's record, but was short of the Guiness World Record by around 700 people.

no one got injured, but we had a fun time observing people during the dance/parade.

Mabel. 17/7/11.

Friday, 15 July 2011

MMA session 2

this MMA session tired me out so much that at 9.30pm, i could not even lift my legs to kick properly.

this may also have been an indirect result of meeting up with S to train at her place before MMA, but this session was exceptionally grueling, with learning 2 new chokeholds, practising proper MuayThai kicks, and a brief physical training session.

i am now more aware of my speed and physical built.


Friday, 8 July 2011

MMA session 1

this was the 1st official Mixed Martial Arts training session i've attended since the trial, and it was a very fun and enriching experience.

we started warmups with basic stretching before moving onto the floor exercises like rolls/crawls/sprawls/shrimps.

it was extremely embarrassing, and being only 1 of the 2 girls present, we were extremely hesitant about joining in the floor exercises.

after warming up, we each practised kicking a mit 10 times for each leg.

normally, MMA training sessions last 2 hours, 7-9pm. however, at 8.30pm, we stopped to have a sparring session, and overan till 10.30pm.

after sparring ended, most people left, but i stayed behind to do more mit training till 11pm.

i have never done 4 hours of training and still felt so fresh before.

i'm looking forward to the next training session.
